Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ella Talk

Well, I figured it was high time to post another enty onto my "abandoned" blog. And I figured I'd let Ella do the talking on this one since she's been amusing me so much lately. Here are just a couple of our recent conversations:

The other night Ella pulled out one of her very heavy and vibrantly illustrated Bibles that we had not really looked at before. We were looking at the pictures of the creation story, and then read the story of adam and eve. After describing how the serpent had tricked eve into eating the forbidden fruit, I asked Ella if that was what God said to do. She immediately said "No." She paused, looked at the picture of the fuit, and then asked me this:

Ella: "Mom, what kind of fruit is this?"
Me: "It looks like an apple"
Ella: "But she didn't even wash it before she ate it"

Oh, how great of a sin that was commited on that day......

Then just this morning we were talking about all of the special days coming up, and started talking about Christmas. I asked her if she knew whose birthday it was on Christmas. She said "baby Jesus." I then asked her where Jesus lives. Her response: "Is it in another state?" Ha ha. I guess you could say that...... Kind of funny though since she's been talking so much about how Jesus and God live in her heart lately. I guess all of this moving and traveling and talking about the different states where different people we know live is affecting her thinking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We know that Ella washes all her apples before eating, especially the ones at Pakke & Beppe's house. ;-)