Friday, December 7, 2007

Meeting Morgan!

One of the best parts of our trip to California was getting to meet my new little niece - and Ella's new cousin - little Morgan Keli! Up until she was born, Ella was the only grandchild on my side. So it's quite exciting to have this new little member - finally!

I had the absolute pleasure of spending some quality time with her since I watched her a few times while Paul and Dana were working. At first, Ella didn't have much interest, but she soon became such a great little helper, always making sure Morgan had her burp cloth and her blanket - whether she needed them or not. (: Here is a pic of the only time Ella held Morgan - she was so excited to feed her, even if it only lasted for a few seconds. Aren't they cute? (:

My mom (Beppe) and dad (Paake) also were so excited to hold both of their granddaughters at the same time. Here are a couple of pics of each of them with their two little cuties!

It was so much fun having a little baby around to hold and snuggle - she is a "girl on the move" as I like to say, just like Ella was. She's not too fond of staying still or sitting on your lap. She'd much rather be moving, swinging, and bouncing. So I worked out my "Morgan muscles" in my arms and legs as I walked and walked with her, bouncing and swinging to keep her content and put her to sleep.

Morgan LOVED the ornaments on the tree. Who needs a baby gym when you have a Christmas tree with shiny dangling ornaments? She was mezmerized by the colors and reflections - Ella helped by making some of them swing.

It's so much fun to see my brother Paul with his little girl. Ella loves her uncle Paul to pieces since he is always willing and ready to be goofy and play with her. So I can see already what a wonderful dad he is and will continue to be.


The VM Family said...

You're tellin' me about those baby muscles! I'm the strongest I've ever been, thanks to my loves-to-bounce girl!

We should get together while you're in town. Maybe for a morning some time this week? I'll try to email you...

:) Jen

Sittintall said...

So glad that Ella finally met her new little cousin. Looks like you are having a great time in CA. Enjoy the warm weather. We are getting freezing rain tonight (and the past couple days).