Saturday, December 15, 2007

Back Home

Well, we've actually been back for almost a week now. So we're getting back into life here in Minnesota.

When we left California, it was cool, fall-like weather. When we got home, we were greeted by freezing temps and tons of snow on the ground. Ella was beside herself with the anticipation of seeing it. On the whole plane trip she kept talking about how she was going to play in the snow - and apparently that would consist of making snow angels and snowballs. We had a little bit of a delay, but eventually made it home and finally into our beds around 3am saturday night/sunday morning.

We had a great time seeing my family in California. Although we were there for three weeks, and ready to come back home, it was still hard to say goodbye. I have lots of pictures to post, but I left my camera-computer cord in California. So you all will just have to suffer through a photo-less blog for a little bit.

On Sunday afternoon, Dave went out to shovel a bit off of the driveway and porch, so we bundled Ella up and let her have at the mound of snow that made up our yard. She had planned on making snowballs, but Dave burst that bubble when he told her that the snow was "too cold" for that. But she had a great time filling up her little saucer-sled with snow, dumping it all out, and filling it up again. But when she was ready to come in, she was READY. I think she all of a sudden realized that her limbs were starting to freeze, and she did not like that one bit. So Dave brought her, crying and complaining she was cold, into the house. We changed her, and snuggled in the chair with a warm blanket and hot chocolate. Welcome back to Minnesota.


The VM Family said...

Welcome home! Sorry we never got the chance to meet time for sure. We're sending you sunny thoughts! :)

Anonymous said...

The house sure is quiet without Ella and Buster! Miss you.