Sunday, July 22, 2007

Brothers and Sisters

So Ella has been obsessed with brothers and sisters lately.

First, there was the kitty litter commercial with all of the cats that are invited over to the other cat's house. At the end, one of the cats says loudly "Hey, That's my sister!" This has become a favorite phrase of Ella's - she'll repeat the expression at any given opportunity.

Then there was the fair. The calf she befriended had two sisters nearby. She said "They're brother and sister!" I said, "No, they're sisters because they are both girls." So of course she had to talk about that for a while.

And then today we were playing with all of her Noah's Ark animals - matching up the pairs. Once we had them all matched up I asked her to tell me which of the two of each animal was the mommy and which was the daddy. She proceeded to go through each kind and say "this is the brother and this is the sister!" So apparently now they aren't mommies and daddies, but brothers and sisters.

You think she's trying to tell us something?


Anonymous said...

Hello from your BROTHER!!!
Yummmm, sweet corn.

Anonymous said...

You just know Ella is trying to tell you she meeds a brother or sister,too! Pakke and Beppe wouldn't mind either. Love ya