But at least Ella loves it! And that's what matters the most anyway, right? And the poor little girl has definitely been jipped of quality "fun in the snow" time this year. With the way too freezing temps, limited daylight hours left once she woke up from her naps, and her expanders being in, outdoor playtime hasn't happened for quite some time......until yesterday that is!
With the pefect amount of snowfall remaining, the perfect (meaning, above freezing) temps, and Ella being pretty much recovered from her surgery, Dave took the opportunity to take her outside for some sledding with daddy! So here are a few pictures of their time together:
Here they are, at the top of the hill. Wait, is that really TWO sleds I see? Can Dave really be planning on sending Ella down all by herself? Oh, my anxious heart....
Yep, she's going SOLO for the first time!
A close-up of that picture - look at that huge grin! I think she loved it!

And....the safe landing. Okay, "phew" I can breathe now.
As soon as she would stop, she would giggle and say "That was Fun! Can I go again Daddy?" And again she went. I lost track of how many times. But it was certainly a LOT!
The next thing she decided to do was to plop down and make a snow angel. Well, angel wings anyway. She got the arm motion down, but wasn't quite getting the whole moving the legs part. After the work was done she would get up, admire it, and find a new space to plop down. It was pretty darned cute.
Here's a picture of the two snow bunnies. Dave knelt so niceley next to Ella for a picture, but as soon as we told her to look and smile for a picture, off she shot up the hill. She never was a willing picture poser, and today wasn't going to be any different. We finally told her that she needed to stand by daddy for a picture if she wanted to sled down the hill again. Bribery works pretty well with 4-year-olds. So she did stand still, but she still wouldn't give a nice smile. Oh well. That's our Ella!