Friday, January 11, 2008

We're Home! (:

Just a quick update - Like the title says, we're home! We were discharged this morning, and came home just after noon.

Ella continues to do great. She has had a few moments of some pain on her head - but it's been after a long sleep, so I think the combination of her having been laying down for so long in one stretch, and not having any pain relievers created a little bit of discomfort. But both times she was quickly feeling better once she was up, sitting with either Dave or me, and had a dose of tylenol.

She still has one of the drains attached - the other they pulled out this morning. She wasn't too fond of that happening. And she wasn't too excited about her IV being removed either. But both were over quickly, and she cheered up shortly after the deeds were done. And she is happy that the "machine" on the pole has now been freed up for another little girl or boy who will need it to get their medicine through the tube. She's also pretty proud of her dinosaur band-aid.

I may try to get a picture taken and posted sometime soon. So those of you that aren't too squeamish can see exactly what she currently looks like.

Now, I think I just may take a nap - if there's one thing that the parent's "bed" (term used REALLY loosely) in the room is not, is comfortable. So after two nights with not so much, and not so great sleep, I'm ready to crash. But at least it wasn't 17 days like the last time. For that, I'm thankful. (:


Unknown said...

Glad you're home earlier than expected & you can all sleep in your own beds again. Hope things continue to progress smoothly. Thanks for the update Love,Annette

Carma said...

Welcome Home, Van Burens! Okay, that sounds a little too much like Extreme Home Makeover! I hope you are all able to get some good rest...but you gotta love those hospital beds! :) Again, thanks for the updates! Love you guys...

The VM Family said...

Happy Napping, VBs!

We've appreciated the updates on Ella and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Got your great Christmas letter today...what a testimony of faith you write!

Sittintall said...

Yea! Glad to hear that you are home. Happy recovery.