The year was still pretty new when the first exciting event took place. After much more time had gone by than we had had anticipated, we were shocked as we discovered that baby #2 was on the way. I will never forget that feeling of joy I felt at that moment, and how long those minutes of waiting for Dave to finish snowblowing the driveway and sidewalks and come inside so that I could share the news with him seemed. Yes, the year started on a very good note. And my theory of a "boring" year ahead was already proven wrong. :)
With the spring came the first thoughts of how looking for a home to purchase was actually something that we could and should do. We communicated with our landlord and with our selling agent and the ball was rolling. Weeks were spent getting our house ready for multiple showings at a moment's notice (not fun), and going on many showings of our own (kinda fun) to find that perfect home for our family. We finally found a home that fit most of our criteria and became homeowners in the middle of May.
Since we had to pack and move ourselves (we had professional movers the last time) and I was five-months pregnant, this move was a bit more difficult than the last. Having so many wonderful people from church help us, and the thought that this was a FINAL (for a looooong time anyway) move made everything much more pleasant though. Of course, with home-ownership there comes a never-ending list of work that can and should be done. So every spare moment before moving and since then (well, until September 9 anyway) has been filled with painting, tearing apart, installing, and repairing, various parts of our home.
September was by far the most exiting month of anticipated events. September 6 was the Giants/Brewers game at Miller park. Giants lost. Boo. But the Brewers won, so we could still be happy for Dave. And we saw a very rare triple-play. Too bad it was the Brewers' fielders that could brag about it though. September 8 was Ella's first day of school. Kindergarten, here we come! And she went without looking back. Baby listened well and stayed put until after both of these moments had passed. But not for long....
On the afternoon of September 8 I went to a routine doctor's appointment, and ended up being admitted in anticipation of being induced. I had mixed feelings about this, but was filled with nothing but love and joy as we met our new little girl, Lauren Rose at 10:26 am on September 9.
So another move, a new home, a new schedule, and a new baby. I would say that all adds up to another eventful year. I find myself now thinking that 2010 will be rather calm in comparison. Dare I say that?
God is Good and we have been blessed more than we could have imagined. I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year. May God bless each of you in 2010 more than YOU could ever imagine. :)