We've done quite a bit since December. There's been Ella's fifth birthday, a trip to the Milwaukee museum, kindergarten registration & readiness testing, getting ready for and beginning the hunt for our new home, and last, and most exciting - finding out about the new little brother or sister that Ella will be getting!
Ella is VERY excited about starting school next year. She is definitely done with being at home with me, and ready to move on to more exciting things. I know she would have really enjoyed it if she had been able to go to pre-school but, circumstances being what they have been the past couple of years, she missed out on that. So I know she will begin her first year of school next year with an extreme amount of gusto.
On February 17 Ella turned 5 years old. I still can't believe that my "baby" is growing up so fast! I took Ella and her friend Emily (who is just a few days older than Ella) to lunch and a movie. Then it was home to play for a bit, then have a special birthday dinner, cake, and open presents. Here are a couple of picture of Ella on her big day - one with her friend Emily and one with her princess cake.
She's also very excited about becoming a big sister. It's such a joy to hear some of the comments and suggestions she comes up with. She pretty much took over all of the pregnancy books I have, had to discuss each of the diagrams and pictures, and now claims to know everything about babies. I guess we'll see how she really feels about it all sometime around September 12.